Five Interesting Blogs

Hi Everyone

Today l would like to take you through five interesting topics that will improve your lifestyle. The first topic is on video games. As you grew up you might have overheard parents lecturing their children on the disadvantages of playing video games. As l grew up, l heard one the parents say, "Son, never play video games as they promote violence. Instead engage in a sport like football or hockey that will not only keep you healthy but also turn out to be a source of income when you grow." The statement from the parent is very valid but did you know there are positive effects of video games. Read how video games are good for children and you will change your perception about the games.

Across the world, parents, teachers and doctors will educate children on the effects of eating sweets or chocolate. While at the hospital you might have been told by the doctors or dentists, "Your teeth have cavities. Please stop eating chocolate," or "John your sugar levels are high." I read improving toddlers taste buds using chocolate. This blog educates parents on the importance of giving chocolate to children at a tender age. 

In the African culture it is said, "The way to a man's heart is through the stomach". To all the ladies out there, go to Nigerian cuisine and find recipes that will ensure you husband is always at home for dinner everyday. In addition, this blog has recipes for healthy foods only. 

For the sports fans who enjoy watching champions league matches from the comfort of their seating room, go to Devesh Malhotra and hear the latest analysis of all football matches for the day. He will also inform you on the latest transfers of players between teams. 

And lastly are you planning to go on a safari to Africa and you have no clue as to what you will do. Look no further. Go to the blog of Gilbert Mwebazeon and learn all that the activities that are at your disposal such as dancing and watching wild animal. He will ensure that you enjoy the African culture.
Be on the lookout for more informative information here.



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