
Google Analytics/Market Platform

GOOGLE ANALYTICS/MARKET PLATFORM Hi Everyone This morning we will discuss about google analytics/market platform. Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by google to track and report website traffic and it is currently a platform inside the  Google Marketing Platform google marketing platform. (source of definition is google).  The Google Marketing Platform has a variety of useful tools that you may use to drive traffic to your content. Examples of these tools are Data Studio , Optimize , Surveys , Tag Manager , Display and Video 360 , Search Ads 360 . Today l will discuss about the tag manager which manages website tags without editing. The tool has the capability of not only adding your tags but also updating the same. It will also enable you to collect reliable and accurate data with minimal or no errors. The tool has a wide range of tag templates that you can easily use. If you are working as a team, the workspace and granular access controls can allow all of

Five Interesting Blogs

Hi Everyone Today l would like to take you through five interesting topics that will improve your lifestyle. The first topic is on video games. As you grew up you might have overheard parents lecturing their children on the disadvantages of playing video games. As l grew up, l heard one the parents say, "Son, never play video games as they promote violence. Instead engage in a sport like football or hockey that will not only keep you healthy but also turn out to be a source of income when you grow." The statement from the parent is very valid but did you know there are positive effects of video games. Read how video games are good for children and you will change your perception about the games. Across the world, parents, teachers and doctors will educate children on the effects of eating sweets or chocolate. While at the hospital you might have been told by the doctors or dentists, "Your teeth have cavities. Please stop eating chocolate," or "John y


Image ID: 75763624 Media Type : Stock Photo Model Released : Yes Copyright : Sean Prior Welcome to Daniel The Hustler. In the 21st century, technology will disrupt the way business is transacted in both the public and private sectors. Governments and companies shall embrace technological innovations to carry out their day to day operations in an efficient manner with minimal or no labor. Daniel The Hustler is the founder of an entity that is involved in funding technological innovations aimed at disrupting the way businesses operate in all sectors of the economy. We will make use of big data to develop, test and address gaps detected in all funded innovations. Below is a short video clip from the Global Business Innovation Conversations 2019 - Video 1 | RMIT University that will give you a synopsis as to why we heavily rely on big d